Wednesday, August 10, 2011

DNA publishes latest DW Chase / AU Fotografia photoshoot!

This first shoot with Texas photographer AU Fotografia was quite an experience. After we shot all the fashionable stuff (which you already saw if you read my blog) we headed down to the beach, where a dark storm cloud loomed. Mind you it hadn't rained in Texas or Galveston in about two months. But of course the rain seemed apparent and we sure needed it. Like troopers, both I and the photographer were committed, and proceeded in the rain.

When we first pulled out the vintage, army parachute (which had spawned from the usage of parachute's in Rick Day's Ruskin campaigns) the 20+ mph wind carried me down the wet beach. Once I finally learned how to tame the parachute, which floated about five feet or more above me, it worked out great because my muscle flexing and straining wasn't faked, it was taking all of my might to stay on the ground and hold the parachute in place.

It didn't really matter that I was soaking wet, but the parachute got wet and so did the photographer, but we made the best of it. While the beach was mostly deserted due to the rain, we did have one on-looker who even took out his camera and started taking pictures of the photoshoot. It was certainly one of the most memorable and fun shoots I have had in a long time. I had sand in every possible crevasse after we were done.

A special thanks go out to DNA magazine for publishing the shots exclusively on their site. Thanks Robert!

Click here to see the DNA article which has MORE shots from the parachute photoshoot.

DW Chase model mayhem portfolio

AU Photografia model mayhem portfolio


  1. Incredible parachute shoot!
    This is one of my favorites.

  2. Regardless of how original the concept may be, these parachute images are beautiful, especially the middle two. Dynamic, compelling, and you look great. Extra kudos for maintaining the second pose while erect (uh, at least I think that's what's going on there :) Great work, nice evolution.

  3. Hello DW,
    You're in this week's DNA Mate of the Month running:
    All the best

  4. Hi DW - first off can I say I think you have the most amazing body and look. I love your work with Ev Dylan - the lighting, concepts and shots seem to me to be vastly superior to your other published work. Somehow, Dylan seems to capture something extra in his shots. I hope you will be doing lots more collaboration with him. Take care mate! Andy
